domingo, 6 de outubro de 2024

I Could Become "Noble"

But I'm too far gone.

And you know it.

No "Thing" More

The only Way is to draw near to the King.


"Todos quantos vieram antes de mim são ladrões e salteadores, mas as ovelhas não os ouviram."

Como saber se você é eleito? É simples: você é repelido pelas trevas e atraído pela Luz? Pedro diz que a alma justa de Ló afligia-se todos os dias não somente com o que via por si mesmo, quanto com as notícias que ouvia sobre as obras injustas. Mesmo quando ainda perdido e buscando encaixar-se no sistema, ainda que não expresse isso, o escolhido sente-se mal com a proximidade da tolice e da entrega a ela que não esconde nenhum questionamento, nenhuma probabilidade de rebeldia futura.

sábado, 5 de outubro de 2024

Quem Sabe E Por Quê

Considerando que 99% dos brasileiros mataram as aulas de português da 5ª série sobre o uso dos porquês, será que quando escutam esse slogan, conseguem discernir que há a intenção de criar essa ambiguidade?

The Mystery Goes On

Eu estava saindo agora do antigo Extra, onde comprei Deus no Limite, e isso começou a tocar na Alvorada FM. Eu fui ouvindo as palavras secretas e pensando, "Não é possível, essa música existe mesmo? E eu estou escutando-a logo aqui?".

They're Taking Over

They're going into Deep.

Draw Near

"Love" is not good for a real Party girl, so before the salt loses its savour you must take the stranger back to the Room, back on Track of Progress, to get treasures off her Chest daily and grow.

Her Number Has Changed

She doesn't mind being a nobody in the world of fools, because she now has a Reason to understand that she needs to stay distant from it, in the Field where she has found the Chest and the Heart, if she wants to just be, feel real.

Sombra Do Guarda Sol

Nothing comes from the ego; Prosperity and Fame are the Sun. You can keep only that which you have searched for and found, so you're never going to find Rest and Tranquility dwelling with somebody who does not keep the Sun, who is fine with and buys all that falsehood.

sexta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2024

Porque Sou Um Cientista

Trixie is in the Neighborhood to turn his entire world upside down.

The Deep Ones

The more he chases them, the more determined they become to stand in the Truth and pursue their happy Territory; they have a Teacher to show and remind them of the dark reality behind that Reasonless road and the "joy" he offers, so they know that it ends in deep pain.

In This System You're On Your Own

Your "friends" are too busy building upon the cursed ground, planting in shallow nature as they concentrate on the "work" which they believe to be more "fruitful"; that's why they've got no time to get Her, to crush and destroy to defend you.

Born For This

To build upon the Rock.

To crush and destroy the enemy standing in my way.


You guide me through the cold

Monotype Sans

Coursiva. 💯

Bro Ken

Just remember.

Let Me Steal This Moment From You Now

It's a girl with bathing suit.